Have You Filled A Bucket Today? – 10 am

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The 10 am Have You Filled A Bucket Today show is SOLD OUT. We still have availability for the 12:30 pm show if you’re interested.

This brand new, fun-filled musical from Virginia Repertory Theatre is based on the concepts in Carol McCloud’s award-winning children’s books, “Have You Filled a Bucket Today?,” “Growing Up with a Bucket Full of Happiness” and Ann Marie G. Halstead’s book “The Bucket Filling Fairy.” The books and play use the concept of a “bucket” to show students how to express kindness, appreciation and love to be “bucket-fillers.”  The play focuses on the benefits of positive, thoughtful behavior.  “Have you Filled a Bucket Today: The Musical” relays the joys of friendship and compassion for both the receiver and the giver. Help teach students to be bucket-fillers rather than bucket-dippers with this musical performance designed to promote healthy relationships, self-esteem, and bring character education to front-and-center stage at your school.